EI Engagement Program

The Environment Institute partnered with others to deliver high quality environmental and sustainability-related programming to the UCI campus and surrounding community.  These programs are being continued through the Sustainability Initiative in the Office of Academic Initiatives.

The Institute’s Campus Engagement Project helped UCI weave a stronger intellectual culture of sustainability by participating in and bringing together myriad threads of environmental and sustainability-related programming on campus.  Through the project, the Institute contributed staff expertise to UCI-wide conferences, student competitions, committees, and start up faculty initiatives; hosted and co-sponsored environmental programming; and informally convened faculty environmental leadership for cross-pollination. 

The Institute’s Community Engagement Project forged new collaborations between UCI and the regional community on emergent environmental and sustainability-related issues.  Through the project, the Institute offers public talks and assists faculty in providing scholarly environmental service to government. The project also fosters dialogue with communities about engaged sustainability scholarship, aiming to lay the foundation for potential research partnerships and joint sustainability initiatives to emerge.
