Faculty Recruited through the Environment Institute

During 2008-09 and 2010-11, the Environment Institute recruited faculty to UCI that would expand UCI’s existing strengths in environmental research and develop broad, campus-wide collaborations that relate global change, energy, and sustainable resources to societal needs. The faculty recruitment focused on key anthropogenic systems and forces driving global change, specifically within the areas of environmental sciences, energy, land use, and global change. Recruited faculty teach in their primary departments within the School of Biological Sciences, School of Physical Sciences, or Henry Samueli School of Engineering; their research areas fit within these Schools and have broad application to sustainability.

UCI faculty recruited through the Environment Institute are listed on this page. These faculty work as members of the Environment Institute to strengthen environmental and sustainability research across UCI.
Jack Brouwer
Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering
Allon Israel Hockbaum
Assistant Professor, Chemical Engineering & Materials Science, Chemistry
Chemical Engineering & Materials Science
Jasper Vrugt
Assistant Professor, Civil & Environmental Engineering
Civil & Environmental Engineering
