
Senior Seminar on Global Sustainability I, II

Students attend weekly seminar to discuss current issues in global sustainability. Weekly attendance at Global Sustainability Forum also is required. Seminar utilized to analyze forum presentations. A: Prepare bibliography. B: Prepare research proposal. In-progress grading for 190A-B, grade for sequence given upon completion of 190C.

Writing/Senior Seminar on Global Sustainability III

Students attend weekly seminar to discuss current issues in global sustainability. Weekly attendance at Global Sustainability Forum also is required. Seminar utilized to analyze forum presentations and to prepare senior research paper. Prepare/ write research paper under the direction of a faculty member. Prerequisites: Earth System Science 190A-B and satisfaction of the lower-division writing requirement.

Fundamental Processes in Earth and Environmental Studies

An introduction to the physical environment, biological systems, and human-environment interactions. Explores physical principles such as fluid transport and reaction rates using environmental examples as well as principles of populations, ecosystems, carrying capacity, and sustainable use of resources.

Transportation and Environmental Health

Critically evaluates how transportation can promote sustainable, healthy, and equitable cities. Examines the interaction of transportation systems with urban form, land use, community health, and environmental quality. Prerequisite: graduate standing or consent of instructor.
PP & D

Water Resource Policy

Lecture, three hours. Examination of contemporary water problems worldwide, with particular attention to the competing demands for water in the western U.S., and water demand by the poor in developing countries. History and analysis of U.S. water policies at local, state, and federal levels.
PP & D

Human Exposure Modeling

Lecture, three hours. Indirect methods in estimating human exposure to environmental agents. Topics include air, noise, dermal and ingestion exposure assessment, time-activity and micro-environmental approach, uncertainty and variability analysis, and the use of GIS and remote sensing in exposure assessment.

Elements of Environmental Design

Lecture, three hours. Basic elements of environmental design such as scale, proportion, rhythm, color, sound, lighting, surfaces, texture, architectural definition of spaces, volumes, massing volumetric analysis, solids and voids, and cultural aspects of design. Excitement and creativity in design, imageability. Prerequisites: Planning, Policy, and Design 4 and 152.
PP & D

Land-Use Policy

Examination of the role of public policy in guiding growth and development in urban and suburban environments. Description of a wide-ranging set of growth policies, the rationales underlying their use, controversies and legal constraints, and evaluation of their effectiveness. Prerequisite: graduate standing.
PP & D

Urban Design Principles

Lecture, three hours. Introduction to principles of urban design and its applications. Study of contemporary and traditional theories of urban design formulated to improve physical characteristics of built environment to facilitate an enhanced quality of life. A variety of case studies are discussed.
PP & D

Cities and Transportation

Lecture, three hours. The relationship between urban areas and transportation systems. Economic analysis of cities, transportation and urban form, highway congestion, environmental impacts of transportation, public transit, land use and transportation, and political influences on transportation planning.
PP & D


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