Sustainability Related

This course is sustainability-related because it includes sustainability as a course component or module, or concentrates on a specific sustainability principle or issue. The course helps build knowledge about a component of sustainability or introduces students to sustainability concepts during part of the course.  At least 25% of the course content focuses on at least one of the enumerated sustainability criteria.

Special Topics in Biogeochemistry

Each quarter is devoted to in-depth analysis of a subarea in biogeochemistry which is undergoing rapid development. Prerequisite: Earth System Science 200 or equivalent, or consent of instructor.

Special Topics in Atmospheric Chemistry

Each quarter is devoted to current topics in the field of Atmospheric Chemistry. Prerequisite: Earth System Science 200 or equivalent, or consent of instructor

Special Topics in Climate

Each quarter is devoted to indepth analysis of an important and rapidly developing area in the field of climate dynamics. Prerequisite: Earth System Science 200 or equivalent, or consent of instructor.

Global Biological Change

Lecture, two hours; field work, one hour. An investigation of the mechanisms that underlie responses of organisms to human-caused environmental changes. Activities include field trips, literature discussions, and lectures. Focuses on issues of interest in Southern California, including nitrogen deposition, invasions, and habitat fragmentation.

Geoscience Modeling and Data Analysis

Computer-based course. Fundamental statistical techniques needed to analyze Earth system data and models. Basic numerical techniques to solve Earth system models. Focuses on linear and non-linear ordinary differential equations, as well as simple partial differential equations.


Introduction to Earth materials and processes. Topics include rocks and minerals, plate tectonics, volcanoes, earthquakes, Earth surface processes, Earth resources, geologic time, and Earth history. Laboratory work involves hands-on study of geologic materials, maps, and exercises pertaining to geologic processes.


Examines circulation of the world oceans and ocean chemistry as it relates to river, hydrothermal vent, and atmospheric inputs. Geological features, the wide variety of biological organisms, and global climate changes, such as greenhouse warming, are also studied.

The Idiom and Practice of Science

A series of fundamental and applied scientific problems are addressed, illustrating the pervasive role of mathematical analysis. Topics may include energy utilization, the climate system, the “greenhouse effect,” ozone depletion and air pollution, ecological consequences of water pollution, nutrient cycles. Open only to members of the Campuswide Honors Program or consent of instructor.

Global Environmental Issues

An overview of global environmental changes including climate change, sea level rise, biodiversity loss, land and ocean degradation, and resource depletion. Discusses scientific, cultural, historical, and policy dimensions of these issues as well as possible solutions. Prerequisites: Earth System Science 60A or 25 and Chemistry 1B or H2B.

Earth's Atmosphere

Composition, physics, and circulation of Earth’s atmosphere with an emphasis on explaining the role of atmospheric processes in shaping the climate system. Topics include: atmospheric composition, the global energy balance, radiative transfer and climate, atmospheric circulation and climate sensitivity. Corequisites: Mathematics 2B or a score of 4 or 5 on the Advanced Placement Calculus BC examination, Physics 3B or 7C.


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